Homework 5 Response

It was so interesting to read about Dustin Stanton's exploits as a movie poster designer. It enlightened on many aspects of being a movie poster designer. Like when being an artist/designer, you end up working for different agencies and such, moving around to different agencies for work and learning from the experiences you had in those different agencies. His outlooks on designing movie posters, how many poster designs end up getting used for other things like DVD and Blu-ray designs for movies, as well as tours promoting the movie. Stanton's passion for making designs and what he said about being around other artists so you don't become complacent is something I will take to heart for my future. I was fascinated when Stanton also said that when making a poster for a specific need for the movie, like a teaser poster, it can be difficult when trying to balance the artistic and commercial importance of a movie poster and how at every step of designing, the design needs to be reviewed to see if its a right balance for both ideals and more importantly, succeeding in promoting the film.


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