
Showing posts from September, 2019

Homework 3 Response

In the article, I really enjoyed the Nike's Chief of Design outlook on everything. He isn't bothered by his dyslexia, he is grateful it allows him to look at the world differently. He's also very active and tries to interact with the designers he leads instead of sitting in his office all day. It is also interesting to see sort of how the creative process for designing is at Nike and how their is a clear creative direction they want in a season and then they just let the 1000 designers at Nike work off of that direction and let them do as they wish with it. He's not afraid of technology and welcomes the possibilities it can give them, like working with data down to an atom or new materials that can help old designs that were ahead of their time but needed the correct materials and tech that they have now.

Sun Prism


Homework 2 Response

I first found it so interesting how Niels Diffrient first started out designing airplanes and then how later on he would find the "romance" he described in the Ted Talk not in airplanes anymore but just in designing overall. Another thing I can take away from this video is when designing a product, you have to think about really the ins and outs of people's preferences that a product will adhere to. He also talked about how there will be people with situations and circumstances that, when designing the product, will not be able to be accommodated. You can't please everybody is an old phrase but a very true statement. What I can say overall is designing, even when designing something ordinary like a chair, is a complicated process.


His name is Gobert.

Test Day 01


Homework 1 Article Response

What I'm able to take away from The New York Times article "How To Ruin A Great Design" is that sometimes a great design can't be beat, and it works so well over time people could describe it as timeless. As the article discussed the change of London's traffic signs, if someone tries to change a classic design and end up producing one that becomes so distracting it erases the real purpose of the design, that is completely a downright failure; especially for a design regarding public safety, being too distracting could birth severe issues like a traffic accident. A design is referred to as "Great" for a reason and like the article explained, you try to improve upon a great design, a good amount of times it won't end up as well received, no matter how much the big design firm that made the new logo tries to convince you that its so much better. It ends up taking away something that the design stands for, like the  Citroën  logo; it took away what seem...

Rey's Primary Post

1. I bought a pc last year and am still fairly new to pc gaming. I've used laptops before to type up essays and all that junk. 2. Get a first step into graphic design and have a little fun with photoshop and illustrator. 3. I had a 5 month Digital imaging course in High School where we just used photoshop but that was back in 2014 so its been a while, never used Illustrator. 4. I have a pc and it does not have photoshop and illustrator. 5. I use a PC, not opposed to using a Mac. 6. I want to make video games. 7. My favorite artist is Eiichiro Oda, the manga artist and  creator of One Piece. 8. Favorite musicians currently are the music collective Brockhampton and the rapper JID. 9. I've always loved superheroes, I love hero comics like Marvel and DC, and they are very near and dear to my heart. 10. I was walking down the street in a dream. Met a street performer who could sing like Beyonce and dance like Michael Jackson. Asked me to look behind me. Next thi...